Protek Micro Fire Suppression System is used as an Electrical Panel and Closed Machinery Protection System (CNC etc) is an easy installation solution alternative to a complete total protection systems. The unit includes a cylinder filled with HFC227ea or FK5-1-12 or CO2 gas, flexible tubing and an optional pressure switch.
PRO™MICRO systems are afe for use in electrical cabinets and CNC machine spaces and can reach extinguishing levels in seconds, stopping ordinary combustible, electrical, and flammable liquid fires before they cause significant damage.
PRO™MICRO systems are designed to prevent the damage that can be caused by water by putting out the fire before it gets out of control. Several seconds can mean the difference between a minor inconvenience and a business stopping fire. When fire extinguished quickly, it means an extra margin of safety for the people, less damage, and lower repair costs. It also means less disruption and downtime for business.
Maın Advantages
PRO™MICRO systems are supplied with HFC227ea, FK5-1-12 and CO2 are available in different ( Carbondioxide) agents. Cylinders capacities HFC-227ea and FK5-1-12 agents are UL regognised. Sensor Tubing is also UL approved.

system types
PRO™MICRO systems with UL approved HFC227ea agent;
- PRO_227-M1 : 1kg filled Direct system with 5mt of UL tubing sensor.
- PRO_227-M2 : 2kg filled Direct system with 5mt of UL tubing sensor.
- PRO_227-M4 : 4kg filled Direct system with 5mt of UL tubing sensor.
- PRO_227-M6 : 6kg filled Direct system with 5mt of UL tubing sensor.

PROTMMICRO systems with UL approved FK5-1-12 agent;
- PRO_5112-M1 : 1kg filled Direct system with 5mt of UL tubing sensor.
- PRO_5112-M2 : 2kg filled Direct system with 5mt of UL tubing sensor.
- PRO_5112-M4 : 4kg filled Direct system with 5mt of UL tubing sensor.
- PRO_5112-M6 : 6kg filled Direct system with 5mt of UL tubing sensor.
PROTMMICRO systems with CO2 (Carbondioxide) gas;
- PRO_CO2-M2-D : 2kg filled Direct system with 5mt of UL tubing sensor.
- PRO_CO2-M5-D : 5kg filled Direct system with 10mt of UL tubing sensor.
- PRO_CO2-M5-I : 5kg filled InDirect system with 10mt of UL tubing sensor.
- PRO_CO2-M10-I : 10kg filled InDirect system with 15mt of UL tubing sensor.
- PRO_CO2-M20-I : 20kg filled InDirect system with 20mt of UL tubing sensor.

Electrıcal cırcuıtry
- Electrical Cabinets
- Control Boxes
- Recharging Stations
- Switch Panels
- Relay Stations

- CNC Machines
- Construction Machinery
- Agricultural Machines

Oıls, chemıcals and open flame
- Fume Cabinets
- Paint & Chemical Storage
- Peroleum Storage Tanks
- Htdraulic Circuits

sensor tubıng

specıal applıcatıon
sensor tubıng

sensor tubıng for
kıtchen systems